Howdy 🤠 I am a Texas-based product designer who has 3 years of experience:
⦿ in the start-up space
⦿ working with conversational AI
⦿ with B2B, B2B2C, and SAAS platforms
⦿ excelling at turning complexity and ambiguity into delightful user experiences.
Before I was a product designer, I spent 7 years as a first responder, about half of that as a firefighter. My career has changed over the years, but my love for helping others and being an advocate has not!
I love art of any medium, am a serial hobby collector. You can find me at a trail race anywhere in Texas or baking cinnamon raisin bread in my free time.
I am always looking to make something magical, if you are too, let's talk!
Howdy 🤠 I am a Texas-based product designer who has 3 years of experience:
⦿ in the start-up space
⦿ working with conversational AI
⦿ with B2B, B2B2C, and SAAS platforms
⦿ excelling at turning complexity and ambiguity into delightful user experiences.
Before I was a product designer, I spent 7 years as a first responder, about half of that as a firefighter. My career has changed over the years, but my love for helping others and being an advocate has not!
I love art of any medium, am a serial hobby collector. You can find me at a trail race anywhere in Texas or baking cinnamon raisin bread in my free time.
I am always looking to make something magical, if you are too, let's talk!